Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 6, Letter 3 (Missed 3,4,5)

Dear Guy at that Party in the Hat,

There was a girl with you, beautiful, Filipina, brown curls, wide smile, but you didn't seem to care. Why? She was dancing for you with laughter and kisses, but it wasn't enough. I have been that girl. That's the girl I know how to be. What is it in all of us that makes us want the one thing we don't have? I don't know who you are, or why I should think you have such an answer, but for some reason I wanted you tell me. Wanted to hear your voice in my ear. I bet you had an accent.

The Girl at the Party in the Blue Polk-a-dot Dress

1 comment:

  1. Great musings Xochitl! I've missed your words and I'm glad to have your blog to catch up. :)
