Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 6, Letter 3 (Missed 3,4,5)

Dear Guy at that Party in the Hat,

There was a girl with you, beautiful, Filipina, brown curls, wide smile, but you didn't seem to care. Why? She was dancing for you with laughter and kisses, but it wasn't enough. I have been that girl. That's the girl I know how to be. What is it in all of us that makes us want the one thing we don't have? I don't know who you are, or why I should think you have such an answer, but for some reason I wanted you tell me. Wanted to hear your voice in my ear. I bet you had an accent.

The Girl at the Party in the Blue Polk-a-dot Dress

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 2, Letter 2. 28 Left to Go

Dear Crush,

I've been trampled by the heavy want of you too many times. For now I am folding you in tissue paper, laying you in a box, and placing you under my bed. But not forever.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 1, Letter 1. 29 Left to Go

Dear B,

Cold sand between toes, passing a bottle of Two Buck Chuck, the sun lowering into the hills, only the sound of waves between us. Racing to the hills of Altadena, traversing dirt and shrubs in last night's heals, all to watch the sunrise below gray clouds. Carmel, Santa Cruz, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington D.C., One-traffic-light Town, Pennsylvania, Chicago, New York, the Brooklyn Bridge, Alaska, Vancouver, and back home again. Thanks for all the sunrises and sunsets and the places in between.