Thursday, January 21, 2010

Trends of 2009

Yeah, I know it's already the later part of January, but this has been working around in my brain since December and won't go away. At the end of every year everyone does their, Big in 09 lists, and so here is mine:

1. Free food: Sure, we've been in the worst financial recession in years, people are losing there homes and jobs, but all is not lost. All last year countless restaurants and fast food joints were giving food away for free. Free! Grand Slams, fried chicken, sandwiches, oh my!

Our pockets may have been empty, but our bellies were full!

2. Fro-yo: Does no one remember when Penguin's Yogurt craze of the eighties? No? Perhaps, I am the only one. But none of that matters because the entire country went wild for Yogurtland. Forget Pink Berry, that was so last year. This year was all about cheap yogurt in a multitude of colors and flavors topped with fresh fruit and Captain Crunch. Everyone was hopping on the bus to Yogurtland.

3. The year of the Taylors: Either together or separate, nothing could stop the madness surrounding Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner. They are young, attractive, and talented. What could be better? BUT I still have a problem ogling T.L.'s muscley bits...He's a minor, people!

Queen and King of 2009

4. Public displays of violence against women: This isn't funny, but suddenly it has become entertainment. First it was Rhianna's bruised face all over the internets, and Chris Brown's sad, lame apologies on youtube, then it was Douche of the Decade, Joe Francis, of Girls Gone Wild fame, taking down Jayde (reality actress/former girlfriend of Brody Jenner) by the hair inside a busy, security filmed, bar, and last, the infamous Jersey Shore slap heard around the world.

What's going on in the world? When did violence against women become entertainment?

5. 3D: I can't even count how many movies came out in 3D this year. It started with Coraline, and finished with Avatar, but many less deserving films have held the same moniker, making the world expect more and audiences pay more. Remember when 3D was special? Remember when we all grabbed at the little flying creature in Captain EO (Trend of 2010: The Return of Captain EO)? If it's not Michael, it may not need to be 3D.

And that is it. My take on the trends of 2009. Now, it's time for me to stop thinking about this, and enjoy the year I'm in.

Cheers to 2010, and all the craziness it will bring!